The Benefits of Online Schooling at IVA Global Online School | 3D Virtual School

Sep 27, 2023 | Blogs

What does online schooling involve?

The goal of sending children to school is to prepare them to be competent adults who can reach their full potential in disciplines needed in the future world of work. It is the reason why parents spend a significant amount of time considering which school is best for their child and his or her future opportunities. It is also why parents do everything they can to send their child to the best schools they can within their means.

Online home-schooling is very much about the setting up learners to be the best versions of themselves. IVA Global School for instance, pools together some of the best teachers in the world to deliver an international curriculum to develop global competencies. This gives learners access to international tertiary institution. In South Africa, our curriculum is based on the IEB for private schools, whilst in the United Kingdom it is the British GCSE and AS levels. Fundamentally, IVA’s curriculum is aligned with international standards to ensure that all IVA learners are best positioned to take their next step in life.

Online home-schooling, however, has some marked benefits when compared to physical schools. The most important benefits being that a learner can be shielded from negative factors, such as bullying, or a potentially weak learning environment provided by a school. These external factors are often unseen by parents and have a massive effect on a learner’s learning experience and their confidence going forward. Through online home-schooling however, parents are able to secure and control the learning environment necessary for their child’s learning success. IVA Global School provides ongoing support and advice to make sure that parents are able to set up and control a suitable environment that promotes learning unique to their child’s needs.

Parents play an indispensable role in their child’s schooling when proceeding with online home learning. This responsibility includes ensuring that their children are disciplined and participate fully within virtual classrooms, absorbing materials fully and partaking in all assignments and tests. All learners have the human tendency to avoid responsibility to their duties occasionally. Fortunately, IVA’s 3D virtual classroom provides engaging digital learning, replacing a physical classroom. It is designed to capture the imagination and attention of learners to ensure the classroom experience is magnified. Parents, however, are still essential to ensure attendance in the classroom.

Online schools also have various other cost saving advantages. For instance, learners do not need to waste time and energy getting to and from school, packing lunches and buying and wearing school uniforms. Instead, online home-schooling focuses on individuality, an international curriculum which can be taught by a teach on the other side of the world, and less wasted time on the logistics of preparing for school. This allows a child to be more comfortable with their individuality.

IVA Global Online School ensures that students engage with each other outside of the 3D virtual classroom, too, by arranging meet-ups in cities where many of the students live. Whether it is going to see a movie, going to museum or having a picnic in a park, the school encourages face-to-face social interaction. The school’s thriving E sports team participates in competitions where IVA students meet to support the teams at live events.

At its core, online home-schooling involves a more family-controlled learning environment with a globally relevant curriculum. It gives time to the most important aspects of learning through virtual platforms, which capture the imagination of learning in our fast-paced world. This increases the need for supportive and involved parents. Parents already spend all their energy being supportive through finding the a good school. Enrolling your child for online home-schooling ensures accountability for the blessing of a parent in shaping your child’s future at home, whilst giving your child the very best education at an affordable price.

IVA Global Online School brings a unique and highly engaging 3D virtual school to South Africa, and the rest of the world. Click the button below and contact IVA Global’s admissions team today to find out more about how 3D virtual learning can reshape your child’s future.

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IEB International Curriculum

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Grade R to 3 Grade 4 to 6 Grade 7 to 9 Grade 10 to 11 CGSE & A/AS Levels

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